Sunday, August 11, 2013

How to capture the new Giant Thorium

First bait out the two suicide trucks and the behemoth. Then, hit SE Flak Turret with 5 Hellstorms and 7 Elite Hellfires. After that, switched to NW Flak Turret and repeated. Next, use your tanks preferably Elite Mega baits with Collosus for SW cyro turret . After Cyro Turret destroyed, use Hellstorms and Elite Hellfires to destroyed the flak turret behind it, either by baiting mortar with Collosus or with the right angle. Afterwards, hit the Machine Gun Turret that was behind the NW flak turret with Hellstorm and Elite Hellfire, staying just out of mortar and cyro range. Remember to put a hercules for fire taking by the sniper in bunker. Then, hit the Machine Gun Turret that was at the SW with Collosus as bait for the mortar, splash damage can kill both Mortar and MGT Turret. Do the same for NW mortar with your baiting using Collosus. After destroyed all the turret, use your Hellstorms and Cobra to hit the plasma turret. Missile to protect your Cobra, then the plasma turret will eventually destroyed. Repeat it on other side. Finally for the 4 bunkers, use any high level tanks with bait like Collosus or ERM in front, try to separate it to take up the fire to destroy using Rubi On.