Friday, August 2, 2013


Humvee normal

Medium-armored jeeps with M2 heavy machine guns, Humvee fire .50 caliber rounds at 1,200 rounds/min. Humvees get a 20% range increase against aircraft.
 — In-game description 

The reliable Humvee can engage enemy on any front, the addition of a high caliber machine gun has allowed the Humvee to decimate enemy infantry. Humvees get a 20% range boost against aircraft.
 — Level 10 Description 

Basic InfoEdit

Splash DamageSpaceInfantryVehicleAirBuildingMap Speed

Upgrade ProgressionEdit

LevelUpgrade CostUpgrade TimeTech CenterProduction CostSpeedHealthRangeDamage (DPS)Range vs Air +20%
1160,000144,00004h 0m21,6003,2001.21,000215133258
2108,000120,00002h 0m22,0804,3201.21,075250160300
3180,000162,00002h 36m32,7045,8321.21,150270187324
4270,000243,00003h 23m33,5167,8741.21,225290213348
5253,130227,80004h 24m43,8619,6861.21,300300240360
6607,500546,80005h 43m44,57010,6281.21,310310267372
7820,100911,25007h 26m55,02013,0751.21,450320293384
81,366,8801,230,20009h 40m55,94014,3481.21,525330360396
91,845,3002,050,320012h 34m820,00040,0001.21,728340400408
Total13,324,07012,368,710480,0003d 3h 46m

Effective Humvee Levels vs TurretsEdit

Turret LevelLevel of Humvee Required to Out Range Each Turret Type

Additional  FactsEdit

  • Begining with Level 8 the Humvee and the Gatling Truck (both versions )share the same range of fire.
  • As with all Units that receive a Range vs Air Bonus, the +20% only applies to units Defending their base and does not apply when used for an attack.
  • The Humvee has damage filters similar to the cobras allowing them to destroy infantry extremely fast.
  • There is no statistical difference between the Regular and Elite Humvee. The only difference is the Elite fire when in motion.
  • Prior to the release of the Gatling Truck , the Humvee was the only vehicle with the ability to hit Air Units.
  • The Humvee, although a "starter" vehicle, can still do some heavy damage to aircraft.
  • Its voice is female ( See Below )
  • Humvees are true Infantry killers in the early stages of gameplay.
  • At higher levels, Humvees turn into anti-aircraft defensive units, so you have some flexibility with this vehicle.
These medium-armored jeeps with M2 heavy machine guns can fire .50 caliber rounds while on the move.
 — Preview server description 

The extremely versatile Elite Humvee can now engage enemies while on-the-move. Elite Humvees sport a 20% range increase against enemy aircraft.
 — Level 10 description
Event XP Cost8,000 xp
RequirementsUnlocked Humvee