Thursday, July 11, 2013

Operation Halcyon

Types of Event: Attacking
Prizes: Halcyon, Elites Razorbacks and Schematic Gattling Trucks

Once in, deploy your forces to the World Map and attack the nearby Red Lokust base. You will receive XP for every base you successfully destroy. Occasionally, you will encounter bases that require an extraction to complete. After destroying the Red Lokust Laboratory, you will see an Engineer with an indicator above her head. First, send a vehicle to the retrieve the Red Lokust Engineer. Once the Red Lokust Engineer is on-board, an Extraction Point will randomly spawn around the rubble of the Red Lokust Laboratory. Engage the waves of enemy reinforcements and transport your hostage to the Extraction Point to successfully complete the stage. Ensure your vehicle is well protected, as the Engineer will try to return to the Red Lokust Laboratory if your vehicle is destroyed!

Event Preview

Preview for lvl 1-10

Preview for wave 8-23

*no credit to me for all the videos uploaded as they're created by respective user in youtube and I only provide the convenience to view it all in my blog.